The Polidors

Sunday, February 22, 2009

No, I have not become a huge rap fan, though I do enjoy Kanye.  But I did run 8 miles yesterday!!  I aptly named my playlist on the iPod, 8 mile, which I found hilarious.  Colin - not so much.  Anyway, I've been wanting to write a post about running for while, so here goes.  I've always wanted to be a runner.  Here's why:
1) great way to stay in shape
2) you can run anywhere.  all you need is a pair of shoes.  no equipment, no gym...
3) it's much cooler to say "I'm a runner" than "I'm a stair mill-er, or I'm an elliptical-er"

I have attempted running several times in the last few years.  One of my best friends is a marathon coach!  But I have been plagued with injuries, knee, IT band, etc...So I finally got some physical therapy at the Vanderbilt Orthopedic Institute with a guy named Hung Do.  Seriously changed my life.  Even the ortho doc told me, you've got a crazy gait and you'll never be a runner.  But Hung said, "If you want to be a runner, we'll make it happen".  So after the 8 miles yesterday, I feel confident in saying "I'm a runner".  The crazy part is that as I began training for the half marathon, I hated it.  Seriously.  Hated every minute of running, dreaded run days, etc.  But something about the day I had to run 4 miles was the turning point for me.  After that, I didn't hate it so much, and now I look forward to my run days.  Who knew?  So, if you are in Nashville on April 25, look for Colin and I during the half marathon!!


Blogger Mommy to those Special Ks said...

FUN! I am SO not a runner and have no desire to be one, but Frank is and he loves it. We may be at the marathon! If we are we'll be cheering you on!

February 23, 2009 at 6:16 AM  
Blogger Cara said...

I AM SO JEALOUS! You don't even know. I'm tearing up. YOU GO GIRL!! Maybe next year I'll FINALLY be able to run it again. You in?!? :)

February 23, 2009 at 3:51 PM  

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