The Polidors

Saturday, January 10, 2009

How Local is Local?

So, I just finished reading "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by Barbara Kingsolver (highly recommend).  The book is basically one family's experiment of eating "local".  They define local as foods grown within 100 miles of their home (Appalachia).  I have read elsewhere that local is defined as within 250 miles of your home.  So I'm at the Harris Teeter last weekend in the produce section when I notice these signs that said "locally grown" by some of the vegetables.  I usually buy all organic produce, but I decided to investigate.  I asked one of the friendly produce people which farm the local produce was from.  He said "Some of it is from North Carolina and the rest is from California".  What???  California does not equal local to me!  So I was slightly disappointed.  But on a brighter note, Colin and I decided that we are going to join a CSA this spring and embark on eating with the seasons!!  I'm currently researching local CSAs, but if you have any suggestions, let me know.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Best Books of 2008

I love lists!  I thought I'd share my favorite books from 2008 with you.

1.  The Omnivore's Dilemma - Michael Pollan- This book changed my life.  Seriously.  Highly recommend.  You will never think about food the same way again.  Followed closely by...
2.  In Defense of Food - Michael Pollan - sequel to Omnivore's Dilemna
3.  Animal, Vegetable, Miracle - Barbara Kingsolver - staying on the food topic - really great book about what it means to eat locally.  
4.  The Twilight Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn) - Stephenie Meyer - I became a serious addict.  I could not put it down.  I might have read them more than once in 08!  I know, I know, it's about vampires, but please give it a chance and you'll be hooked.  
5.  The Shack - William P. Young - a must read!  It really made me think about the way I view the world and my place in it.   

Coming out of Hibernation

So, I realize I am the world's worst blog slacker, but I'm back to blogging in 2009.  2008 was a good year for the Polidors, so here's a recap from our family:

In January, Colin and I celebrated 2 years of wedded bliss.  I can't recall any major events in February.  March brought my 28th birthday.  In April, we traveled to Spain with Colin's mom to visit Amberly and David.  I have to recommend vacationing with "locals".  We had such a great experience that we would have never found in "Lonely Planet".  April also brought the wedding of my dearest friend, Mari-Etta.  I served as a bridesmaid for the 11th time (no kidding).   In May, I officially became a vegetarian (not vegan - I still enjoy milk, eggs, and cheese).  It's been really rewarding and I feel my healthiest in years.  Colin's been such a trooper.  He is NOT a vegetarian, however, we do not eat meat at home.  He has endured some pretty crazy dinners and has become a convert to the veggie burger.  We spent the summer camping, hiking, and canoeing, including a trip to Indiana with Cara and Travis.  Danza came on his first and last camping trip.  Never again will I sleep in a two person tent with 2 people and 1 dog.   We tried in vain to have a garden.  We ended up with 4 tomatoes.  My dad has ruled not enough sunlight in the back yard.  July also brought a good-bye from my friend and former roommate, Lisa, who moved to the Dominican Republic!  I'm still missing her every day.  In October, my parents and I embarked on a road trip to Vermont to visit Colin's family.  Good times.  I never realized how big Virginia really was, but it takes several hours to get through.  November brought Colin's 29th birthday (09 will bring the big 3-0) as well as Thanksgiving with my family, and December brought Christmas in Vermont.  We had 2 feet of snow this year, which led to several snow shoeing adventures.   If I forgot any major events, please forgive me.

We are both really excited about all that 2009 holds.  Amberly and David return to the U.S. in March.  Colin and I have big plans to run the half marathon in April.  I received a sewing machine for Christmas and plan to learn to sew.  I've offered to begin making all of colin's clothes for him, but he has declined the offer!  I also plan to become a more adventurous cook (poor colin).  Thanks for checking on us and I promise to be more faithful in 09!